Kumpulan Artikel OOP Dengan Delphi

Temans, penguasaan OOP pada masa ini adalah suatu keharusan. Sudah banyak artikel yang membahas apa keuntungan meggunakan OOP. Sebagai upaya untuk menyediakan sarana belajar OOP, khususnya untuk Delphi, berikut ini saya kumpulkan beberapa link yang merujuk pada artikel OOP di delphi.about.com.

Artikel-artikel di bawah ini dikelompokkan menjadi beberapa bagian , yaitu :

1. Introduction to OO basics
Bagian 1
- Object orientation basics
- Delphi Unit structure and project structure
- Delphi’s RAD generation: visual objects and events

Bagian 2
- Delphi’s RAD generation: visual objects and events
- Event handlers
- Creating an object (RAD and coding)

Bagian 3
- Interaction between objects: simple message passing, association and composition
- The UML: class, object and sequence diagrams
- Inheritance, association and composition relationships
- Homework

2. Introduction to class inheritance
Bagian 4
- Class inheritance.
- Subclassing for reuse: extension, specialisation, generalisation.
- Overriding inherited methods.
- Encapsulation.
- Visual Form Inheritance (VFI).

Bagian 5
- Delphi’s VCL class hierarchy.
- Navigation (linkage) between objects.
- Navigation on a UML class diagram.
- Visibility for message passing.

3. Programmer defined classes and objects
Bagian 6
- Keeping user interface and application objects separate: separation of concerns,
- Mimicking RAD user interface objects in programmer defined application classes,
- Steps in using a programmer defined object:
1 define the class,
2 allocate a name (reference),
3 instantiate the object,
4 assign it to the name.

Bagian 7
- Inheritance: deriving a new class from an existing one.
- Packaging a class in a unit.
- Overloaded methods & protected visibility.
- The Code Explorer and Project Browser.
- Layout of objects in memory.

4. Accessing an object and its data
Bagian 8
- The object name as a reference
- Creating and freeing an object: Constructors and destructors
- The need for memory management: memory leakage and dangling references

Bagian 9
- Data access methods: Get… and Set…
- Properties for data access: Mapped and direct, read and write specifications.
- The concept of ‘Patterns’ in object orientation
- The Immutable Pattern

Bagian 10
- The concept of ‘Patterns’ in object orientation
- The Immutable Pattern
- Creating a list of object references
- Homework Problems
- Part download: PDF, Code, Homework Solutions

5. The Sender parameter and substitution
Bagian 11
- Substitution
- The Sender parameter
- Typecasting
- Class and instance operators
- RTTI: run time type information

6. Introducing type inheritance
Bagian 12
- Substitution with programmer classes
- Early (static, compile time) binding
- Late (dynamic, run time) binding
- Virtual and override methods

Bagian 13
- Polymorphism = substitution + dynamic binding

Bagian 14
- Abstract methods
- The concept of a type
- The Polymorphism Pattern
- Part 6 Source Download

7. Using and abusing inheritance
Bagian 15
- Clarify differences between subclassing and subtyping.
- Use each appropriately.

Bagian 16
- Inheritance anti-patterns

8. Indirection
Bagian 17
- Indirection through chaining and through delegation.
- Comparing chaining and delegation in terms of encapsulation and coupling.

Bagian 18
- Chaining and delegation in RAD classes.
- Patterns for the Law of Demeter and for Delegation.

9. Association & Composition
Bagian 19
- Reviewing the different conditions for inheritance, for association and for composition.
- Implementing association and composition.

Bagian 20
- Association, composition and immutability

Bagian 21
- Example 9.3 Deep copies and the Assign method

10. Two Patterns Using Composition
Bagian 22
- Delegation: Association and Composition

Bagian 23
- The Adapter pattern for polymorphism

11. Some Patterns for varying behaviour
Bagian 24

12. Bidirectional links, Callbacks and Linking Classes
Bagian 25

13. Factory Patterns
Bagian 26

14. A Decorator
Bagian 27


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