FreeVCS Menu Disappears On Delphi 7. How to Fix It?

Obviously Borland introduced no serious changes in the VCS interface, therefore the current FreeVCS IDE version seems to work without problems.

Obviously Borland introduced no serious changes in the VCS interface, therefore the current FreeVCS IDE version seems to work without problems.

Of course the actual setup program offers no option to set registry keys for the D6/D7 IDE but you can simply create the related entry by yourself:


Create a new reg key "HKCU\Software\Borland\Delphi\6.0(or 7.0)\Version Control".

(Remember the space between 'Version' and 'Control')


Create a new string value named "VCSManager".

(No space between 'VCS' and 'Manager')


Enter full path and name of the FreeVCS DLL. (Example : c:
C:\Program Files\FreeVCS\freevcs.dll)

Restart the D6/D7 IDE and the FreeVCS Menu should be there...

There is only one known problem related to D6/D7 for now:

On some installations you may see the error message "FreeVCS cannot save the file ...." when starting.
There is no further problem caused by this message, so you can simply ignore it.
If you find this annoying, you can get rid of the message by creating a "Config" directory in your Delphi startup directory, i.e. for a default installation of Delphi 6, creating "C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi6\Projects\Config" stops the startup error.

You may also use Client beta, where this error should be fixed.


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